- Sichern mittels Datatypes

>I'm having problems saving a bitmap to an iff file on disk using the
>datatypes.library. Are there any examples of how to do this available?
>I need to save the bitmap from a rastport connected to a window, as
>well as seperate bitmaps in ram.

Here's a butchered code fragment that illustrates the solution.

BOOL savePicture (struct Screen *scr, struct BitMap *bm, LONG width, LONG height, LONG depth, LONG mode)
    struct ColorRegister *cmap, *acmap;
    struct BitMapHeader *bmhd;
    ULONG modeid = LORES_KEY;
    BOOL result = FALSE;
    LONG *cregs;
    Object *o;
    WORD i;

    /* Should be DTA_GroupID, GID_PICTURE */
    if (o = newdtobject ((APTR) "IconEdit",
			 DTA_SourceType, DTST_RAM,
			 PDTA_NumColors, ncolors,
			 PDTA_BitMap, bm,
			 PDTA_ModeID, modeid,
	/* Get a pointer to the data that we must prepare */
	if ((getdtattrs (o,
			 PDTA_BitMapHeader, &bmhd,
			 PDTA_ColorRegisters, &acmap,
			 PDTA_CRegs, &cregs,
			 TAG_DONE)) == 3)
	    /* Prepare the bitmap header */
	    bmhd->bmh_Width = width;
	    bmhd->bmh_Height = height;
	    bmhd->bmh_Depth = depth;
	    bmhd->bmh_PageWidth = 320;
	    bmhd->bmh_PageHeight = 200;

	    /* Remember the points */
	    cmap = acmap;

	    /* Make them the same as our screen */
	    GetRGB32 (scr->ViewPort.ColorMap, 0, ncolors, cregs);

	    /* Set the colors */
	    for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
		/* Set the master color table */
		cmap->red = (UBYTE) (cregs[i * 3 + 0] >> 24);
		cmap->green = (UBYTE) (cregs[i * 3 + 1] >> 24);
		cmap->blue = (UBYTE) (cregs[i * 3 + 2] >> 24);

	    if (mode == 0)
		struct dtGeneral dtg;

		/* Copy it to the clipboard */
		dtg.MethodID = DTM_COPY;
		DoDTMethodA (o, NULL, NULL, &dtg);

		/* Show that we were successful */
		result = TRUE;
		struct DiskObject *dob;
		struct dtWrite dtw;
		BPTR fh;

		if (fh = Open (filename, MODE_NEWFILE))
		    dtw.MethodID = DTM_WRITE;
		    dtw.dtw_GInfo = NULL;
		    dtw.dtw_FileHandle = fh;
		    dtw.dtw_Mode = DTWM_IFF;
		    dtw.dtw_AttrList = NULL;

		    if (DoMethodA (o, &dtw))
			/* Get the an Icon for the file */
			if (dob = GetDiskObject (filename))
			    FreeDiskObject (dob);
			else if (dob = GetDiskObject ("ENV:Sys/def_ilbm"))
			    PutDiskObject (filename, dob);
			    FreeDiskObject (dob);
			    PutDiskObject (filename, &BrushIcon);

			/* Show that we were successful */
			result = TRUE;

		    Close (fh);
	DisposeDTObject (o);

    return (result);

David N. Junod   net:    bix: djunod

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